Korg Pandora Stomp

Korg Pandora Stomp

I’ve had a few of the various Pandora models over the years and always found them to be great value.  They always seemed to have some immediately workable tones, portability was great and the instant rhythm track was a handy addition for quick practice. Now I’m not sure if what’s happened with this new Pandora…

Zoom Powerdrive PD-01

Zoom Powerdrive PD-01

This 90’s Japanese pedal is somewhat rare and highly thought of. A simple transparent overdrive, it excels at making your existing tone better. The controls are familiar; high, low, drive and level. What’s immediately different to a standard overdrive is the gain dial only breaks the signal up at the very top end of the…

Fender Stratocaster 1961

Fender Stratocaster 1961

This guitar is probably the first electric guitar I ever saw, this Fender Stratocaster belongs to my father. I was lucky enough to grow up around many great guitars but this one is the first and greatest one of all.  My father doesn’t play much guitar these days but this guitar is his “number one”…

Ibanez S570 Project

Ibanez S570 Project

I loved the look of these Ibanez S-Series guitars in my teens, but only acquired my first one some 20 years later. You know what you’re getting with these guitars; flat wide and thin necks, perfect for shredding. The slimline body is well weighted, in that it sits nice and light, but unlike a Gibson…

Belcat Overdrive OVD302

Belcat Overdrive OVD302

Picked this Ibanez TS9 clone up cheap in a pawn shop, not expecting much from it when also receiving change from a tenner. The sound surprised the hell out of me; it’s incredibly good. It’s full of dynamics, responding very pleasingly to pick attack and cleaning up well when backing the guitar volume off. The…

Boss DS-1 myth…

Boss DS-1 myth…

Many moons back when I was a little lad and my old man used to play guitar very loudly at home through a 74′ Twin Reverb, whenever I tried to use the amp, it sounded as clean as a whistle, just pop music central…then I realised that a little orange box transformed the sound from…

Breedlove OM/FS Acoustic

Breedlove OM/FS Acoustic

Acoustics have always been a fickle friend to me over the past 20 years, I hated them, loved them, couldn’t play them right, smashed them, stuck stickers on them and never really gave them a second thought over the shiny Fenders and Gibsons in this world. As I grew up, acoustic records began to filter…